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Thinking of Having a Disinfecting Treatment Done on Your Home or Business? Know What to Ask.

What are the most important things to know when you’re considering having a disinfectant treatment done? There is a lot of misinformation out there and, at the very least, information that can be confusing. Here are the things you need to know.

What’s the difference between cleaning and disinfecting?

The differences between these three terms may not seem monumental, but they are meaningful. Knowing those differences is a good start to knowing what service to choose.

Cleaning: This uses soap, detergent, or another cleaning product to get rid of dirt, grease, and grime. It won’t actually kill germs, though.
Disinfecting: This process uses chemicals actually made to kill pathogens on surfaces or objects. It won’t clean dirt or grime, but killing those germs can reduce the spread of them.

They may seem similar, but the upshot is you should and can be cleaning. And you probably do – often. Right now, cleaning isn’t enough, but disinfecting and sanitizing use products that are best left to those that know them. Make sure you’re choosing a company that is not just cleaning.

What kind of product is being used?

Not just the kind of product being used, but how it’s being used is important to know.

Why is the EPA’s “List N” important?

Having a product listed on the EPA’s “List N” of disinfectants means it’s effective to use against SARS-CoV-2, the causal agent of Covid-19. Be sure the product being used in the service you are choosing is on that list. It’s integral right now.

What is the efficacy rate of the product?

A 99.99% effective rate against today’s pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and viruses is what you should expect. Some products, like the one used in the Waltham® UltiClean™ treatment, will kill 99.99% of the pathogens listed on the product label including H1N1 Swine Flu and other pathogenic microbes on hard, non-porous surfaces. If you choose a product or a service that doesn’t have that kind of efficacy rate, you should reconsider it. Be sure not to fall victim to something that says it will kill 100% or that it will continuously kill Covid-19. These statements may not be true and could give you a false sense of security.

How is the product being applied?

You could use the same exact product but if the method of application is flawed, then the area being treated will not get the full impact of the product. Many companies just spray, mist, or fog the product into an area. Adding a surface wipe-down step using the product at full strength on high-touch areas gives an extra level of potency. It may take longer to do both, but it’s just a better strategy.

What’s the toxicity level of the product?

Even if the product works, you don’t want it to be toxic to people or pets. It should be both non-toxic and strong enough to work. The treatment you choose should be using a product that is defined by the EPA as “practically non-toxic and not an irritant” while still killing microbial pathogens. If you are going to include a kitchen in the service, it should also be rated “no rinse required on food contact surfaces,” category D2, by NSF International so you don’t have to wash or rinse the area after the product is put on a food contact surface. Does it contain no ozone-harming volatile organic compounds (VOCs)? Is it mild on skin, hard surfaces, and fabrics? Those are important things to note as well.

Is it a pipedream to think you can have it all – a non-toxic product that will still be effective? It’s not. Waltham® UltiClean™ does have it all. If your business is currently closed, be ready to reopen with a fully disinfected facility. And if you’re home – well, Waltham® UltiClean™ isn’t just for businesses. Contact Waltham Pest Services today. There’s no reason to wait.

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