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NY Spiders

Did you ever wonder what spiders are common in New York? The good news is – none of the most common ones are poisonous and all of them actually help keep many different pest populations down in the Empire State. Here is a handy, if not a little creepy, guide to some of the most common spiders you will find in NY. Surprisingly, it does not include the Brown Recluse. Many people get that guy mixed up with other spiders in our area. That venomous menace is not indigenous to our area. Rest easy about that.

Black Widow – actually, sadly, prevalent in NY, black widows are considered the most venomous spider in North America. Their venom is reported to be 15 times stronger than a rattlesnake’s!

black widow spider
Black Widow Spider

Triangulate House Spider – these are the most common spiders in all of North America – not just New York. You’ll find triangulate cobweb spiders in garages and basements mostly.

triangulate house spider
Triangulate House Spider

Grass Spider – these are not harmful and rarely bite unless provoked or agitated. Even if a grass spider did bite, it wouldn’t cause any harm anyway.

grass spider
Grass Spider

Wolf Spiderwolf spiders don’t spin webs; instead, they chase and pounce on their insect prey like the wolves that inspired their name.

wolf spider
Wolf Spider

Common House Spiderhouse spiders prefer to build their messy webs on the interior and exterior of buildings and in sheds, stables, and barns.

common house spider
Common House Spider

Long-bodied Cellar Spidercellar spiders prefer to hang upside down in their webs as they wait for prey, which typically consists of other spiders and insects.

long bodied cellar spider
Long-Bodied Cellar Spider

Bold Jumping Spider – they actually do jump, and their natural habitats are grasslands, prairies, and open woodlands – including backyards.

bold jumping spider
Bold Jumping Spider

Wall Spider – these guys are tiny but also super fast, which makes up for being so small.

wall spider
Wall Spider
Photo Credit: Kamran Iftikhar

Orchard Orbweaver – much like their name suggests, these spiders are mostly found in orchards and are helpful in keeping other pests that could damage the trees and/or fruit away.

orchard orbweaver
Orchard Orbweaver

Zebra Jumping Spider – they jump by explosively straightening their back legs which are powered by the pressure created when blood is pumped into them from the body.

zebra jumping spider
Zebra Jumping Spider

Six Spotted Orbweaver – while common to homes, they are often not seen and therefore are good in our book.

six spotted orbweaver
Six Spotted Orbweaver

Golden Jumping Spider – their excellent sense of sight comes from four pairs of large eyes. Golden jumping spiders also have three rows of eyes that help them to see what is all around them.

golden jumping spider
Golden Jumping Spider
(Eating a Cockroach!)

Shamrock Orbweaver – the bite of a shamrock spider can be painful, but it’s not dangerous for humans with effects comparable to a bee sting.

shamrock orbweaver
Shamrock Orbweaver
Photo Credit: David Hoffman

Yellow Sac Spider – they don’t make webs; rather, they build a sac or silken tube in protected places. And yellow sac spiders do have a nasty, painful bite!

picture of a yellow sac spider
Yellow Sac Spider

Marbled Orbweaver – it’s sometimes called the pumpkin spider from the resemblance of the female’s inflated abdomen to an orange pumpkin.

marbled orbweaver
Marbled Orbweaver
Photo Credit: James St. John

False Widow – false widow spiders are often the subject of unflattering headlines, but in reality, they’re unlikely to bite humans.

false widow
False Widow
Photo Credit: David Short

Red-spotted Orbweaver & Spotted Orbweaver – during the day, these orbweaver spiders usually hide in a curled leaf near the edge of their web.

red spotted orbweaver
Spotted Orbweaver

Western Lynx & Striped Lynx – both species can be found in New York yards and gardens throughout most of the year.

western lynx spider
Western Lynx Spider
Photo Credit: Thomas Shahan
striped lynx spider
Striped Lynx Spider
Photo Credit: Judy Gallagher

Cross Orbweaver – the markings on a cross orbweaver spider are very unique and actually quite pretty. You know – if you’re into that type of thing.

cross orbweaver
Cross Orbweaver
Photo Credit: James Johnstone

Crab Spiders (Misumena vatia & Mecaphesa) – crab spiders usually tend to stick to the flowers around the house in lieu of coming inside.

crab spiders
Crab Spider

Woodlouse Spider – their large size and aggressive nature when handled by humans makes them an imposing but still not venomous species.

woodlouse spider
Woodlouse Spider
Photo Credit: Nick Goodrum

Nobody wants spiders in their home. But we can rest easy that we don’t live in Australia – where the most poisonous spider in the world actually resides. Our spiders, much like New York natives themselves, may look imposing, but in the end, they are sweet and kind and beneficial to the environment.

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