Twenty years ago, Waltham Pest Services branch manager, Jeff Rapoza rode a motorcycle for the first time. Little did he know the hobby would not only stick with him because he enjoyed it so much, but he would also ride for charity!
Jeff rides in charity motorcycle runs throughout the warmer months. He rides in somewhere between 3 and 4 of them. His most recent one was July 28, 2024 when he rode in the 16th Annual Babies Heart Run in Ledyard, CT. It’s hard enough when parents have to worry about their babies because they are sick but adding on the extra expenses of gas, food, parking, and unexpected medical bills makes it even worse. This motorcycle run and family event were started to assist people with these expenses while their children are in the NICU or PICU. Incredibly worthy cause and Waltham Pest Services was proud to sponsor him in this ride. And it looks like an amazing turnout!
Over Memorial Day weekend, he rode in the Second Annual Poker Run on May 26, 2024, held by the Groton Elks Club #2163. The ride supports the Brian Dagle Foundation. The foundation is dedicated to the healing of grieving adults as well as community education on mental health and suicide awareness. About 16 veterans commit suicide every day in the United States, so there were many veterans riding in this Poker Run to show their support to this important cause. With the help of Waltham Pest Services, Jeff was able to donate $250 to the charity. There was even a Waltham Pest Services logo on the t-shirts for the ride!
Jeff is looking forward to his next ride, the Babies Heart Run. This ride will raise money for parents who have babies that are in Neonatal Intensive Care Units or children that are in the Pediatric Intensive Care Units, who do not otherwise qualify for assistance. It’s hard enough when parents have to worry about their babies because they are sick but to add on the extra expenses of gas, food, parking, and unexpected medical bills make it even worse. This motorcycle run and family event were started to assist people with these expenses so they can focus on what really matters – their children.
These rides are done in Jeff’s spare, personal time but he always manages to think of Waltham Pest Services, often posting on the internal social media site about his rides and keeping coworkers involved – even with just some photos from his latest ride. Waltham Pest Services is lucky to have Jeff as an employee and a friend. His charity work is inspiring.
Twenty years ago, Waltham Pest Services branch manager, Jeff Rapoza rode a motorcycle for the first time. And the rest, as they say, is history.