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Horse Fly Bites

Do Horse Flies Bite?

Before breeding, a female horse fly requires a blood meal. So now you know the answer to why do horse flies bite! It doesn’t make the bite any less painful, though. These pests will bite livestock, pets, and sometimes people. They have blade-like mouthparts that cut or stab the skin, and their saliva acts as an anticoagulant that allows the blood to flow more freely. And now you know the answer to how do horse flies bite, too!
why do horse flies bite picture

What Does a Horse Fly Bite Look Like?

A horse fly bite looks like a bee sting, and it can be quite painful. The site usually becomes red, swollen, and itchy. Because the pest lacerates the skin, the wound might continue to bleed, and you run the risk of getting an infection without proper care. Some people may experience an allergic reaction to horse fly bites.

How to Treat Horse Fly Bites

Clean the bite site with soap and water. Apply a cold compress by placing an ice pack on the affected area for 10 minutes to ease the swelling. Raise the affected area (if possible) to try and manage the swelling. Try not to scratch the bite site, which could lead to infection or form a blister.

Are They Dangerous?

Horse fly bites aren’t usually dangerous to humans aside from the pain. However, horse flies can cause infections in livestock. Equine Infectious Anemia is a potentially life-threatening disease that the flies may transmit to horses. Currently, there is no treatment or vaccine available.

Horse flies are more harmful in large numbers. Multiple feedings spread illnesses and injuries. Unfortunately, most insect repellents don’t do much good in deterring these pests. If you have a horse fly problem, call Waltham Pest Services or contact us online to safely remove them from your home or business.

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